fbpx Engage Acting: Autumn 2024

Engage Acting: Autumn 2024

  • 9 Oct
Engage Acting: Autumn 2024

Event Information

Wed 9 Oct

In this 6-week course, participants will work with Director Sophie Cottle to explore Puppetry and Ensemble skills.

Working with exquisite Puppetry Box puppets, you will explore the core principles of performance puppetry with these table-top rod puppets which are perfect for representing a variety of characters in performance.

Dates:   Wednesday 9, 16 & 23 Oct, no session ½ term, then 6, 13 & 20 November

Times:   7pm – 9pm

Age:       18+

Venue: Sessions take place either in site at The Egg theatre, or at a central off-site venue.

Cost:      £90

After booking your place, you will receive more information about this course nearer the start date.

The Engage programme is kindly supported by the Beryl Billings’ Charitable Trust.