fbpx Engage Acting: Autumn 2024 Mini course

Engage Acting: Autumn 2024 Mini course

  • 4 November
Engage Acting: Autumn 2024 Mini course

Event Information

Mon 4 Nov

Develop your theatre skills and techniques in this bite-size 3-week course.

Across 3 evenings working with Director Lydia Cook, explore how to create performance and tell story through movement and music.

Dates:   Monday 4, 11 & 18 November

Times:   7pm – 9pm

Age:       18+

Venue: Sessions take place either in site at The Egg theatre, or at a central off-site venue.

Cost:      £45

After booking your place, you will receive more information about this course nearer the start date.

The Engage programme is kindly supported by the Beryl Billings’ Charitable Trust.