Support Us
Theatre Royal Bath is a registered charity 277723
You can support a thriving, independent Theatre Royal Bath to...
Make the next West End hit, here in Bath
Give children access to theatre
Nurture artists and local performers
Care for our beautiful listed buildings
We aim to generate for ourselves the funds to make our historic stages available for learning and to connect with the past, make sense of the present and offer a portal to the future.
Follow the links below to see how you can best support us.
Our success is only possible due to the incredible work of our supporters.
We extend a huge and heartfelt thank you to the following companies, partners and people.
C Bayliss
T Bridges
D Dacombe
B Esdaile
A Eveleigh
C Garek
K Grayson
P Huvos
Kingswood School
C Kneeshaw
D McElholm
C Morgan
B Parker
Players of the 300 Club Lottery
N Pollard
E Rose
P Sabourn
T Treml
M Wilkinson in memory of Graham Deller
J E Vercoe
S Vick
D Ward
Trusts, Foundations and Legacies
Arts Council England South West
Battens Charitable Trust
Julia and Hans Rausing Trust
Orseis Trust
Roper Family Charitable Trust
The Estate of Elizabeth Sutter
The Estate of Elvira Pearson, in memory of Michael Pearson
The Miss Beryl Billings Charitable Trust
The Garek Trust
The Semma Fund
Corporate Supporters
Always Sunday
Bath Carpets and Flooring
King Edwards School
Monahans Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors
Educational Partners