Behind The Scenery - Producing
Kate Johnson - Ustinov Studio Manager
In this edition of Behind The Scenery we chat to Ustinov Manager (and Assistant Producer with Theatre Royal Bath Productions) Kate Johnson.
Kate joined Theatre Royal Bath in summer 2023 from Theatre Royal Plymouth where she was the Contract Assistant. She now splits her time between producing our in-house shows with TRB Productions and managing the incredible Ustinov Studio. The Ustinov presents a mixed programme of work throughout the year, typically split between TRBP productions; an artistically directed season (last season was with Deborah Warner) and a season of smaller touring companies: Visiting Company Season. Kate's job requires her to be hyper-organised when producing the many TRBP shows throughout the year and it also requires an inquisitive and creative mind when programming visiting companies in the Ustinov.
We caught up with Kate just as she returned from the Edinburgh Festival 2024, where she was busy unearthing fresh new talented theatre artists to feature in the Ustinov in the coming years. Kate's first Visiting Company Season starts this week and runs throughout October! Read on below to find out more about Kate and what to expect in the Ustinov this autumn.

How long have you worked at TRB?
I have worked here for exactly a year when answering this question!
What is your job here?
My official job title is Assistant Producer and Ustinov Manager. I help produce theatre in the Ustinov, Main house and on tour as well as managing and programming new work in the Ustinov Studio.
What makes the Ustinov so unique?
It is a chameleon space, one day it can be presenting fantastic dance set in ancient Greece and the next we are in the suburbs of New Work with an Arthur Miller play. The space can adapt to what is needed, and as an audience you are right there too, you are brought into the new world inside the Ustinov.
What is the visiting company season? How is it different from what happens the rest of the year?
The Visiting Company Season is a few weeks where we invite other theatre companies to present their work in the Ustinov. Normally they are on for short runs of a few nights at a time and it can be a very varied mix of work. It will be work by anyone from across the country at any stage of their career. For the rest of the year we produce our own in-house shows as Theatre Royal Bath Productions, but during Visiting Company Season it is all about newer, smaller companies presenting their work.
Who selects the productions and how are they different from what happens in the Main House?
The Ustinov is different from the Main House as we can be bolder and more daring with the programme, we can also take risks with new writing and new productions. The shows in the Ustinov are selected by me, however I do always like to hear about what other people working at TRB have seen and and love to hear their recommendations. I also often get emails direct from producers with shows. I then review this information, meet with the producers behind the show and try and go watch the show in person or watch a recording.
What is on and why did you select these shows?
We have a great mix of shows this Autumn, ranging from comedy, to music, to new writing, so there is something for everyone! I selected these shows as I feel they will speak to the Bath audience.
Which shows are you particularly looking forward to?
All the shows are fantastic and I plan to see each one. I am particularly looking forward to Her Green Hell which is based on a real story of a 17 year old, who was the sole survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon rainforest. I would also recommend seeing Our Little Hour which is also based on the real life of the first black footballer to play at the highest level of the domestic game in the UK and the first man of his heritage to be commissioned as an Officer in the British Army.
Looking ahead, what can we expect from the Ustinov in 2025 and beyond?
The Ustinov will continue to be the home of new in house produced work, we will also look to continue to programme new writing from emerging artists and supporting local south west artists.